Summer 2020 activities at WRFC

**updated 16 August 2020**

Our summer multi-sports camps have been a roaring success. The final batch of dates have been announced (see below).

Neil Sweeney, who heads up the Wimbledon RFC in the Community project and has been along to sessions throughout the past two seasons to help our coaching programme is running the following sessions... (if the embed below doesn't work you can book via this link:

Please book early so we can make sure their days are as special as possible

Paul Goss (Youth Chair) & Richard Castle (Minis Chair)

May 2020: update from Wimbledon RFC, Coronavirus and our members

Dear friends... We are now into the third month of the national lockdown. Back in March as the severity of the situation came clear, we asked for those who could make a donation to the club, to help us pay the bills as all income suddenly dried up, to do so. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our players, parents and friends of the club and we have recently closed the GoFundMe campaign with nearly £35,000 raised to help sustain the club's future through these uncertain times. Thanks to each and every one of the 400+ people who donated.

To help with the fundraising efforts, over 80 families and players (and former First XV and England legend Nick Easter) sent in footage of how they were 'keeping the rugby going' during lockdown. The film, edited by u14's player Ben Castle, is below.

So what next? For minis and youth players we wouldn't normally be playing rugby until September anyway. We must hope that we get to start rugby then as normal (if we can restart rugby, the first day of the season would be Sunday 6th September). But we live in unprecedented times. We will of course play what rugby we can, when we can. In the meantime the club and grounds remain closed for rugby.

You can keep up with advice from England Rugby here: and here:

Keep fit, keep healthy, keep safe

Wimbledon Rugby Football Club launches emergency fundraising campaign

Dear players, parents and friends

Today (March 29th) Wimbledon RFC has launched an emergency GoFundMe campaign to help sustain the club through the next few months as we have had to cease all playing and clubhouse activities due to the Coronavirus pandemic. From April to September we usually make the most of our facilities to generate income to support the ongoing running of our community club.

Wimbledon RFC is a very important place for our kids to enjoy their sport; over 500 children rely on the club. Along with thousands of rugby clubs up and down the country, the volunteer-run community game finds itself in crisis and ours sadly is no exception.

Bluntly, with no income over the coming months, we will not be able to pay our bills, hence this call out for donations.

The Club has already taken a number of drastic measures to cut its outgoings during the period of closure as well as making plans to access Government Grants. But we also need your financial support.

Be a hero: you can donate easily with just a couple of clicks

Our page is here.

How much are you looking for as a donation?

We are hoping to raise at least £30,000. A number of people have suggested amounts:

1. If you are lucky enough to be not unduly troubled financially by the current pandemic we would appreciate any donations over £500. We've already had one kind donation of £1,000
2. Perhaps donating the cost of your weekly commute (£42.40 or £51.90 depending on zone)? That would be a massive help
3. Any level of donation from a fiver upwards will help. £20 seems a popular amount
4. What would you have spent behind the bar at an end of season dinner or a Saturday night out?

We are very lucky as a club to have many parents volunteer to help run training, matches and events. To help ensure we can start the new season (whenever that might be) in a stable-ish financial footing, we need every parent to answer this call to alms.

With huge thanks in advance from all at the club.

Early end to the rugby season as a result of Coronavirus (Covid-19) at Wimbledon Rugby Club

The following update is from Meg Gardiner, Hon. Secretary of Wimbledon RFC

On behalf of Wimbledon RFC, we hope that all our players, coaches, supporters and friends are keeping safe during this time.

The news has now been delivered that the 19/20 rugby season has ended. Over the coming weeks, we will unpick what that means for all areas of the club and share this with you.

A number of you have reached out and asked how you can help the club during this time of uncertainty. The Executive Committee met (virtually) on Thursday night (19 March) and will continue to do so on a weekly basis. We will need our supporters to rally around us over the coming months and we are in the process of working out how your offers of help will be best received. I will update you in due course.

If you have any questions, please let me know: email


Welcome to the Wimbledon Rugby Spring Minis Rugby Festival 2020

It'll be all go this Sunday as we welcome 900+ kids to Wimbledon Rugby Football Club for our minis rugby festival.

*This page was last updated at 11.40am on Sat 14th March with the fixture list*. No further updates are expected. See you all on Sunday!

Following Thursday's government update we have the following announcement regarding our festival:

The Wimbledon RFC Spring Minis Rugby Festival on 15 March 2020 will run as planned.

We ask that anyone with a new, persistent/continuous cough and/or a temperature of 37.8 degrees or above - ie those who have now been asked to self isolate for 7 days - not to attend. This is consistent with government advice.

We know that the government plans to extend such self-isolation requests to whole family groups (when there is one family member with these symptoms) in the near future. We ask that any family in this situation to stay away.

With today's new government advice, there are, as yet, no restrictions on holding sporting events/large gatherings. We have no further recommendations from the rugby governing bodies at this time. Should the government advice, or that from the RFU/Surrey RFU change before Sunday, we will update our position further.

Government advice on washing hands is key and we'd ask that parents ensure their kids wash their hands regularly. We have two locations where hands can be washed: the clubhouse and the pavilion in the middle of the pitches.

To minimise unnecessary physical contact, at the end of matches, we will ensure only 'three cheers' are exchanged, rather than handshakes.

A big welcome to the 95 teams playing this Sunday - by far the biggest festival we've ever put on.


In short, unless you are an early-arriver AND in a proper 4x4 (don't even try with low profile tyres), you won't be able to park near the club. Once the 4x4 parking is full all parking will be off-site as per the map below. A few permits have been issued for Inclusive Rugby players and visiting head coaches (only). If you have a blue badge there will also be parking at the club, please show yours to the marshalls at the junction of Copse Hill and Barham Road.

There will be parent volunteers in hi-viz to help make the parking as stress-free as possible. Please listen to any parking instructions you are given - and respect that everyone marshalling the parking are parent volunteers. Wimbledon RFC is situated in the middle of a residential area with some of the roads being private roads so if you are asked not to park somewhere, please listen. The same goes with cones, if you see a street with cones on, don't park there.

Anyone blocking access to homes or restricting ambulance access will be reported to the police.

If you need directions to Wimbledon Rugby Football Club click here

The programme for Sunday can be downloaded here and the fixtures for Sunday is here.

Here's the pitch plan - note: a larger copy of the pitch plan is in the programme, downloadable above.

Two messages from Sophie Castle, Wimbledon's child protection officer

(1) Remember, everyone (parents, coaches and players alike) must observe the RFU rules and spirit of play...namely

1. Support positively and applaud good play (even if it's not your team!)
2. Respect officials and opposition players
3. Remember that children are playing to have fun
4. Behave as good role models on the touchline
5. Congratulate the opposition and make their supporters welcome.

(2) Coronavirus/Covid-19

We have been in contact with the RFU and they are not issuing specific guidance in relation to the Coronavirus at this stage. The reason they state is that there is nothing to add above and beyond the detailed advice issued by the government and this is already in the public domain and well-known.

Advice to the public - and

Further advice on what we can all do to prevent the spread of infection:

Bad behaviour by players will not be tolerated
The London Society of Rugby Football Union Referees has announced a zero-tolerance approach to backchat and appealing from players during matches. This approach is wholly endorsed by Wimbledon RFC and all players should expect to be warned and then penalised for instances of arm waiving and backchat/challenging refereeing decisions during games.

Bad behaviour by parents will not be tolerated. This from Brian Moore
[Children] do not always recognise a general expression of disappointment and believe it is directed at them. Head shaking, rolling of the eyes, looking away, kicking the ground – any of these can discourage children, and exhortations like “come on” and “sort it out” are as practically useless from the touchline as they are on the pitch. Full article is here

Hope you enjoy the festival and remember TREDS

Teamwork • Respect • Enjoyment • Discipline • Sportsmanship

Pitch plan 8 March 2020

Please note U13 on parking the week as all minis are away at festivals, tours etc.

Remember the Wimbledon Minis Rugby Festival is on the 15th March so all youth matches will need to start after 2pm please.

Coaches meeting on Wednesday 11th March starting from 7.45. Please make sure you have some of your team there.

Here's your pitch plan

Pitch plan 1 March 2020

Rugby is currently ON for the youth games only this Sunday. Sadly training for the minis has had to be cancelled due to the state of the pitches due to water logging.

Don't forget, this Sunday, 1pm-3pm - free Girls Try Out Rugby session - this is still ON

The Youth parents are on parking (not u6s)

Here's your pitch plan

Coronavirus - Message from Wimbledon RFC Child Welfare team

We have been in contact with the RFU and they are not issuing specific guidance in relation to the Coronavirus at this stage. The reason they state is that there is nothing to add above and beyond the detailed advice issued by the government and this is already in the public domain and well-known.

Advice to the public -

Further advice on what we can all do to prevent the spread of infection:

If the situation changes then we will of course update you.

Best regards
Sophie Castle and Kate Singleton
Child Welfare Officers for WMRFC

Come and watch the first XV today at Wimbledon RFC

The adult first XV is having a great season riding high in the top three of the London & SE Premier league. There's only six home games left this season.

After last week's thumping win away at Guildford, the team are back at home facing local rivals Dorking. Why not pop down for a 2.30 KO, support your club, have a few beers and then watch the Wales game in the clubhouse afterwards?

Here's the link to today's programme

Last call for teams for the Wimbledon Spring Rugby Festival - 15 March 2020

We are hugely looking forward to our Quilter Kids First Minis Rugby Festival to be held at Wimbledon RFC on Sunday 15 March 2020. Always popular, we have a few places left for Under 9 teams (and potentially a few other age groups). Get in touch if you would like to join us:

Pitch plan 23 February 2020

RIGHT! Let's hope the rain sods off and we get some rugby away.

Very simply -- all home training except one game for U16s -- everyone's squeezing together.

U11s on parking; U10s on cakes.

Here's your pitch plan

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