Identification and management of concussion
Concussion is one of the key injuries players may come across whilst playing rugby. At Wimbledon RFC, we take concussion avoidance and management very seriously.
Government guidance is very clear: no-one should return to sport within 24 hours of a POTENTIAL concussion. Also, everyone with potential concussion should either SEE a doctor or CALL 111 within 24 hours of the incident AND rest and sleep as much as needed for the first 24-48 hours, avoiding screen time. If concussion is confirmed then the earliest a child can return to play rugby is 21 days after the incidence and then only if they have followed the Graduated Return to Play guidance (see below). IF IN DOUBT, SIT THEM OUT.
If you suspect concussion
A concussion recognition tool be downloaded here. This can be particularly useful pitch-side.
What to do if your child has concussion
Full details about returning to play following concussion can be read here. A visual summary is below

Learn about concussion
England Rugby have pulled together rich resources to help parents, players, coaches and others cope with instances of concussion. England Rugby's resources page (HEADCASE) for concussion is here. We would recommend all coaches and first aiders, parents and players take the 30 min-long England Rugby online awareness course.
The course designed for coaches is here.
The course designed for parents, guardian and teachers is here.
The course designed for players is here.
More info from Sport England about concussion can be read here.
Using correct tackle technique is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of concussion. To help reduce the incidences of head on head contact the RFU have introduced new tackle height laws for the entire "community" game. This is everyone, adults and kids, below Championship Rugby. This means our adult men and women, as well as all our kids, will play to these new tackle height laws.
The detail on the new tackle height laws are here, on the England rugby website. All players, coaches and referees need to learn the new laws as there are obligations for both the tackler (below the sternum) AND the ball carrier (cannot run with head below hips, nor lead with shoulder, arm etc).

We encourage all parents to take the England Rugby HEADCASE module here. "If in doubt, sit them out".
World Rugby have excellent tackle technique resources
Tackle Ready resources are here.
Tackle Ready breaks down the tackle into 5 phases: Tracking, Preparation, Connection, Acceleration and Finish.
There are lots of video and other resources on effective and safe tackle technique here.
Wimbledon RFC player, Matteo, talks concussion on this BBC Newsround programme
Great to see one of own players explore how concussion has affected him. This film also offers great advice for players, coaches and players alike. Well worth a watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57795018