Training - 15 July 2012


This is the reminder for the next summer training session for Sunday 15 July 2012 at 3pm - finish 5pm. As before it is about fun, fitness and the boys hanging out together. It is non contact.

Please let me know if you will be able to make it so that we can plan accordingly. I still have the fitness scores for those that came last time, so it will be interesting to see if they improve and if those who could not make it can better things.

Footwear is studs or trainers - it is your choice and really depends on how much more rain we have. If you are due to buy boots for next season, go for trainers as there is no point buying new boots now when your son's feet may grow further over the summer.

If the weather is bad please keep an eye on the website for a late cancellation.


07818 452 216