Sunday 20th Training Session

Dear All,
On Sunday we had another fantastic turnout of 26 players including 5 more new faces joining our great group at Wimbledon. And the sun kept shining . . . again! We also welcomed 22 players from Kings minis who joined us for training. Finally, the session finished off with a couple of friendly matches which saw some healthy competition between both teams. A great effort by all our U7s in their first match with another club – well done everyone.

Congratulations this week to Milton Dunleavy who was awarded player of the week who showed great focus and try scoring skills.

IMPORTANT - This Sunday (27th) we are ALL AWAY at Effingham ( for a training session. As always please arrive as early as possible to ensure a prompt start at 10am. Location details can be found on their web page. If you haven’t already done so, can you please let me know if you will be attending as soon as possible.

ON 4th OCTOBER we have our first festivals of the season at Guilfordian and Kings (KCS). We will compete against other clubs throughout the morning from 10am until 2pm. Can you PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you will be able to attend on this day. I will provide further details next week.

If you haven't already done so PLEASE complete the club registration FORM and return it to me with payment for this season's fees. The form can be downloaded from WMRFC website under “how to join”, or ask me for a copy on Sunday.

Player registration on our group webpage is really doing well now, so if you haven’t yet registered now is the time to do it – don’t delay!

One final thing, don't forget we need raffle prizes for our own club Festival on 11th October. All donations gratefully received.
