Wimbledon Minis B Festival Sunday 4 October 2015 - welcome!

Wimbledon RFC are hugely looking forward to welcoming Battersea Ironsides, Chobham, Farnham, Teddington, Cobham, Dorking, Esher and Camberley to our festival this Sunday. The weather's set fair, the BBQs are charged and the rugby will be fantastic. Attached is a downloadable copy of the programme and registration forms. If you need directions to Wimbledon Rugby Football Club click here

The headline timings for the day are
Register at the relevant age group control tent by 0930
Referees briefing at 0945, control tents again
First games kick off 1000 sharp

Today's format
The competition for each age group will be split into two or more age leagues of four or five teams. Each team will play three or four games to decide league positions and the first two in each league will play final deciders for the Festival Cup and Plate competitions with 3rd and 4th place deciders for some age groups.

Pitch plan

Please park considerately
Wimbledon RFC is situated at the heart of a residential community. Please refer to our parking policy, park where you are asked (and more importantly please respect anyone asking you NOT to park in certain places). On-site parking is shown on the above pitch plan. If you arrive late you may have to park off-site as shown on the parking policy.

The rules we'll be playing in the festival
u7-u11 New Rules of Play
u12 Old Rules but with no conversions (except for sudden-death conversions)

Scoring for the festival
Three points for a win, one for a draw and none for a loss.
In the event of a tie for a league place, places will be decided in the following order:

1. Most tries scored,
2. Least tries conceded,
3. Finally, the toss of a coin, except for U12 which will be decided by sudden-death conversions at centre 15m line as follows: if the first team's player converts and the second team's does not then the first player’s team wins. Each player can only kick once. If it's still level after the regular age-group number of players in a team have completed conversions, then toss of a coin.

Note: the scoring and rules were updated Friday 2 October at 9pm to correct a couple of inconsistencies

B_Festival_programme_ARTWORK FINAL.pdf1.96 MB
WMRFC B Festival 2015 registration forms (u7-u12s).doc105 KB
pitch plan b festival.png51.5 KB