Wimbledon RFC supports Parents in Sport Week 2020

A message from Sophie and Kate, the club's child safeguarding team about the NSPCC's Parents in Sport Week which runs from 5th to 11th October 2020.

We want all the children and young people involved in rugby through Wimbledon RFC to have a safe and enjoyable experience. Parents’ engagement in youth sports is really important and the NSPCC Parents in Sports Week aims to raise awareness of the importance of parental involvement in the safeguarding of kids sport.

Specifically, parents are asked to sign the NSPCC's Sports Parents Promise

• I promise to listen to you if you have any concerns about your sport
• I promise to learn how your club keeps you safe and what I can do to help
• I promise to make sure that I set a good example and support you (and your teammates) in a positive way

Our Club Safeguarding Officers are Sophie Castle and Kate Singleton who are around the club most Sunday mornings. If you have any questions about safeguarding arrangements at WRFC, please do ask Sophie (07970 212727) or Kate (07952 643939).

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